Google Assistant Introduces New Feature That Will Give You a Snapshot of Your Day

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Google Assistant is about to launch a new feature that will pull together personal information, like flight times, restaurant reservations, scheduled meetings, reminders and lots more and present them in a single overview you can scroll through. This new feature was announced early this week and will be available on Android and iOS phones before the week runs out.

Your overviews are updated throughout the day, and you can check for updates by tapping the new icon located in the top right corner of Assistant, which looks like an empty blue inbox. (If you have Assistant in iOS, you can check for updates after you launch the app.)

These “snapshots” of your day will also be integrated with notes and lists you jot down on Google Keep,, Bring!, Todoist and other third-party apps.

Assistant will also have a section for suggestions you might be interested in, from recommended podcasts and YouTube videos to the correct spelling of certain words (random, we know.)

This follows after Google announced plans to rework the popular Google Assistant in May earlier this year.


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