The first AppFactory in Mauritius is being launched by Microsoft and Ceridian. The factory is being launched for providing a space for ICT graduates and developers wanting to build software applications, gain firsthand experience, and enhance their business skills.

In all of Africa, there are a total of 11 Microsoft AppFactories including the most recent one launched in Mauritius. Some of the locations in and around Africa factories include South Africa, Ghana, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Malawi.

The focus of the new Ceridian AppFactory will be on aiding in the digital transformation of SMEs. The interns at the factory will be specially tasked with creating and presenting innovative digital solutions for SMEs. Some of these solutions include data analytics, chat bots, and digital marketing strategies.

AppFactory interns will spend their time working with veteran software engineers on real world projects. They will work on providing solutions for different local sectors in fields such as education, government services, healthcare, tourism, fintech, and environment.

Vidia Mooneegan, the managing director of Ceridian, said, “There are thousands of ICT graduates who lack the experience to find a high-paying job or start their own business. This is creating a major skills gap, especially as technology evolves and businesses are increasingly looking to digitally transform.”

She goes onto explain that the demand for digital skills is rising since the economy of Mauritius is growing stronger; more people are achieving a higher income. This new AppFactory answers to the rising demand.

By the end of their training, internships will know how to fully design, implement, and deploy cloud-enabled, mobile, and IT solutions.

The partnership of Microsoft and Ceridian was formed with the shared goal of seeking a digital transformation by investing in human capital.

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