Mental Health Tips for Creatives and Techies

Mental health

The mind of a creative person has a touch of unusualness and madness according to Aristotle. Unfortunately, this bit of madness is present in all humans and prompts the need for mental health balance. 

Mental health is crucial, especially for those who spend days working solely with technology as it promotes isolation despite having the power to connect one to the global community. Thus, in a globally connected but isolative world of Techies, it becomes super imperative to stay mentally healthy.

To mark #World Mental Health Day, here are a few tips for Techies to stay mentally healthy: 

Plan Ahead

Working on a new project can be mentally depressing and draining, which is bad for your mental health. You can overcome this by visualizing and planning your projects ahead. Doing this will reduce your headaches and guide your path on steps to take. 

Experiment with other Activities

Tech is isolating and time-consuming. Try out new things beyond writing code and programming. You can try other activities in arts, culture, painting, or just anything adventurous. Build a new hobby that takes your mind off work.  

Meditation is a great exercise for your brain and mind. During meditation, your brain gets a break and is recharged to perform new tasks. It also opens you up to new ideas and helps you attain a distinct thinking level. The Thrive Global blog curated a list of apps that can improve your mental health. Read it up here

Give yourself a Downtime 

Your daily task as a techie gets you extremely busy as you work on diverse projects. Amidst this schedule, you need downtime to enhance your productivity. Downtime rejuvenates your body, brain, and mind. Use the opportunity to take a walk or have some rest. 

Talk to someone 

There is no greater burden than having an untold story stored up inside. Tell your struggle to someone by sharing it on mental health communities or with family and friends. Don’t isolate yourself! Associate with others and speak to a counsellor on the MentallyAwareNG platform. 

Be positive minded

Failure is bound to happen. See the silver lining in each failure; find a spot of joy and stick to it. Remember, a happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing like medicines. On the flip side, a broken spirit dries the bones.

Remember, your mind has control of all your senses so take care of it as you would take care of your body.

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