Telegram Set to Monetize their Platform with Paid Features in 2021

Telegram Messenger tech news africa

Telegram Messenger tech news africa

Pavel Valerievich Durov, the founder and product manager of Telegram Messenger, has recently announced on Wednesday plans to keep the company afloat by generating revenue from the additional chat features on the messenger in 2021.

He further disclosed on his Telegram that selling off the application was not an option and the move to monetize the platform required alternative creative means to enable the growth and remain innovative in their services.

In his words, “Telegram will begin to generate revenue, starting next year.

We will do it in accordance with our values and the pledges we have made over the last 7 years. Thanks to our current scale, we will be able to do it in a non-intrusive way.

Most users will hardly notice any change.” In addition, he disclosed that “All the features that are currently free will stay free.

We will add some new features for business teams or power users. Some of these features will require more resources and will be paid for by these premium users. Regular users will be able to keep enjoying Telegram for free, forever.”

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