Deciding Between Headphones vs Earbuds

Headphones vs Earbuds

Headphones vs Earbuds

Sound quality and user convenience are key features of audio devices but only very few people can decide on what works best for them, given prevailing circumstances.

Headphones are audio devices worn over the head with a headband connecting the sound outlets for both ears. They come either as over-ear, or on-ear headphones.

Over-ear headphones: Usually come with thick headbands and large ear cups and cushions that cover the entire ear and sit on the outer ear.

On-ear headphones:

They are smaller and more compact, with cushions that sit directly on the ears, making them weigh less than the over-ear headphones.

Sound quality is the greatest advantage of using headphones, alongside their noise-blocking ability making them suitable for outdoor use, especially in noisy environments.

However, the bulkiness of headphones is a major drawback when portability is a key factor to be considered.

Earbuds on the other hand have portability as a key feature with their lightweight and easy fit in the ear canal using the right silicone tip, which makes them a lot more popular among many individuals.

They could be wired, or wireless. The basic difference between the wired or wireless earbuds like the name implies is the existence of a cord to keep both earbuds connected to each other.

They usually do not cost as much as quality headphones but can be quite discomforting to a few when it does not fit right.

Whatever choice of audio device is taken, the sound quality and features are primarily dependent on the product brand while certain sound effects can only be gotten by using headphones.

In conclusion, the health of our ears surpasses the pursuit for quality sound and audio effects from any device.

Hence the need to exercise discipline in the volume of sound exposure to ears and how much pressure is exerted on the ear canal and its surrounding region.

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