WoeLabs is a Togo-based innovation lab that took to global recognition for pioneering the creation of Africa’s first 3-D printer called W.Afate in 2013, made entirely out of electronic waste using RepRap low-cost 3D printing model, by their team of inventors in Lome.
Founded by 37-year-old Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, a trained architect, WoeLabs aims to inspire technological change across Africa, and they do this by donating a machine to every school within 1km of their workshop.
The innovation lab has ever since its last creation invented several other technologies and has become an incubator base for young Togolese tech enthusiasts by providing them with the required means through their neighborhood house, the classic coworking-space, and the incubator of innovative company partners.
Agbodjinou in a comment shared that, “What we are concerned with is to try to create in the young people a confidence in themselves in their capacity to realize projects.”