Apple has launched iOS 14.5, a major new software update for iPhones that includes a number of new features, including Apple’s new privacy change, which allows users more access and control over apps that monitor them for advertising purposes, causing a major feud between Apple and Facebook.
The privacy change has caused concern for Facebook, who fear that it would hinder their ability to effectively target advertising to iPhone users.
That goes to the core of Facebook’s company, which has been built over the last decade on technology that is designed to monitor users for advertising purposes whether or not the users are aware of it.
When you open an app that wants to access your specific user ID for advertisers, you’ll get a pop-up.
This pop-up will ask if you want to be tracked and explain why the app needs your permission.
For example, an app can claim that allowing tracking would improve your ad experience.
Many businesses that rely on online advertising have expressed concern that the new privacy rules would reduce the efficacy and viability of targeted ads.
Facebook has undertaken a campaign against the move, and it appears that it will suffer financial losses as a result.
Read more on Tech Gist Africa:
In the coming weeks, Apple will begin enforcing new app privacy notifications.
Apple Threatens to Delist Apps Non-Compliant to New Privacy Features from the App Store