Apple wants to sell fuel from its CarPlay dashboard as it ramps up its automotive software development

Apple CarPlay

Apple CarPlay

For the first time ever, Apple’s developer conference this month introduced a new CarPlay function that lets drivers use an app to find a gas station, select a pump, and buy gas without having to insert or tap a credit card. 

With the release of the newest CarPlay software this autumn, Apple wants you to be able to purchase gas directly from your dashboard, furthering the company’s goal of transforming your car into a store where you can buy goods and services. 

According to Jack Barger, senior vice president of marketing at Apple, “we are enthused by the idea that people might go to a Sinclair station and purchase petrol from their vehicle navigation screen.” 

Apple has already made applications for parking, charging electric vehicles, and placing food orders available through CarPlay, and it is already adding apps for driving-related tasks like keeping track of business trip mileage. 

This fall, iPhone owners who want to use the new CarPlay function will have to download the app of a fuel business to their phone and set up the app using payment information. Users will be able to tap on their navigation screen to activate a pump and pay once the app is configured. 

Apple has been working hard to enable tap-to-buy functionality on the navigation screen, and Fuel apps are just the most recent example of this.


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