According to a new reports, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and WhatsApp Chief Will Cathcart have stated that the messaging network will soon have multi-device compatibility, allowing users to use the app on many devices at the same time.
It goes on to say that Zuckerberg has acknowledged intentions to provide a new ‘disappearing mode’ across all chat threads, allowing users to enforce disappearing messages across all of their WhatsApp chat threads.
It’s unclear whether WhatsApp intends to provide users additional control over the length of the timer.
WhatsApp is also intending to introduce a ‘view once’ feature, which would allow users to send media items such as images and videos that can only be viewed once before disappearing. This is similar to sending photos on Instagram.
The ‘view once’ function will be rolled out soon, according to the reports. While the exact timing for the release of these additions is unknown, the new features are expected to be released in a public beta version in the following months.
Read more on Tech Gist Africa:
WhatsApp is currently testing and developing a 24-hour disappearing message feature
WhatsApp Desktop App now supports voice and video calling
Users on Facebook and Instagram will be able to hide likes on their posts