Celltel Network, Roberta Annan Consulting and Chinese Government Partner for $300 million Ghana Smart City

Photo Credit: urhitech.com

Celltel Networks, Roberta Annan consulting (RAC) and Chinese government International Cooperation Company have come together to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to partner and execute the 300 million USD Ghana smart cities project under the brand name ArisCel.

The MoU has Ghanian network Celltel as the concept developer, RAC as transaction advisors for CEIEC and CEIEC joins an association of expert companies. The other partners involved like; association of private investment banks and vendors, will soon enter a comprehensive agreement with the aforementioned three partners involved.

See Also: Liquid Telecom Set to Construct National 4G Network in South Africa

The project is designed to provide affordable nationwide wifi network in partnership with the local government institutions and other government agencies. The partners have been working on the project design for years prior to its signing. Aristotle incorporated, which is one of the original partners made a detailed presentation of the project to a Ghanaian delegation last year. Celltel already acquired four floors and plush 12-storey for offices, an academy and a showroom.

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