Equitel Spins Off Fintech Subsidiary Finserve to Disrupt Digital Financial Services in East Africa


Photo Credit: techarena.co.ke

Equity Group today spinned off its fintech subsidiary, Finserve to operate as an autonomous commercial enterprise, delivering solutions not just for its parent company, but to the entire economy, signaling a future defined by disruptive innovation beyond the Group’s current financial services.

Finserve has been the technology arm of Equity Group and is credited with revolutionizing banking and other financial services through digitization.  It has been behind innovations such as Equitel, the Group’s Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO).

According to Equity Group CEO and Managing Director Dr. James Mwangi, “Finserve will now be an independent commercial fintech that will provide technology solutions. Thanks to fintech innovations by Finserve, 97% of all Equity transactions are now outside the branch. In the spirit of shared prosperity, and having seen the revolutionary impact that fintech capabilities have brought to the Bank, we have taken a deliberate strategy to make Finserve an independent commercial subsidiary that will focus its efforts on delivering solutions to propel the African economy. Equity Group now becomes one of Finserve’s clients for technology solutions.”

Dr. Mwangi noted that Equity Bank has provided best-in-class solutions in merchant banking and money transfers. “We now control 60% market share in merchant banking and payments because our universal POS converges mobile wallets, cards and digital payments meaning that merchants require only one POS. We have also experienced rapid growth in diaspora banking, where we are now leading in diaspora remittances and in agency banking”. He continued “Our vision is to power business ecosystems through innovation and collaboration that cut across geographical boundaries and sectors.”.

See Also: Nigeria Fintech start-up, Mines Secures US$13m Series A Round

Customers using the Equitel SIM card can manage their bank accounts from their mobile phones – sending money to any bank and any mobile network, paying for goods and services using EazzyPay, applying and receiving instant Eazzy Loan on their phones as well as making calls and buying data bundles.

Finserve innovated the digital banking capability of Equity Bank under the brand name Eazzy Banking. The suite of self-service digital tools has redefined mobile banking through the Eazzy Banking App which enables customers to perform over 60 functionalities. EazzyNet enables customers to do all their banking on the Internet while EazzyBiz is a cash and liquidity management tool for corporates. Eazzy Chama enables saving groups to manage their group funds online while Eazzy Save possesses an instant account opening capability.

Through versatile payment capabilities, Finserve enabled the Bank to integrate with all major global card associations including American Express, Mastercard, Visa, JCB, Dinners and Union Pay, becoming the single largest aggregator of card payments in the region.  Finserve has also integrated with global fintechs like Ali Pay and Wechat as well as remittance partners across the world such as Wave, PayPal, Equity Direct, Western Union and Money Gram.

Finserve also unveiled two revolutionary fintech solutions, the Jenga Payment Gateway and Jenga APIs. The Jenga Payment Gateway will support businesses in processing payments and it will consolidate all payments to the Jenga platform, offering a unified integrated payment platform to businesses. To date, Finserve has offered solutions to businesses in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, DRC Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

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