TEDxYaba Opens its Doors for First Ever Innovation Lounge Challenge

Independent organized TED event in Lagos, TEDxYaba in a tweet on the 7th of November, 2018 announced the first ever Innovation Lounge Challenge. In a manifesto released by the platform, TEDxYaba IS “dedicated to curating and celebrating ideas from brave and innovative Nigerians doing incredibly amazing work that solve everyday challenges in new and interesting ways”.

The main reason they are launching the Innovation Lounge platform is to connect young innovators with partners and platforms that can further help them scale their platform, boost their ideas and identify innovators who otherwise would not have the opportunity to share their ideas.

In their callout to Nigerian startups at large, 10 early stage startups solving important problems in Nigeria will be selected and invited to the ‘Innovation Lounge’—a room filled with stakeholders and ‘endless benefits’. 2 finalists among the ten will also get the exclusive opportunity of sharing their ideas and vision with the world on the TEDxYaba stage come 8th of December, 2018. All selected startups will get free exhibition stands at the final event.

Do you think you have what it takes? All you have to do is to create an account and fill in a detailed questionnaire. Click here to apply.

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