Chad Government Finally Lifts Internet Ban after a Year Outage


Chad citizens have been without internet connectivity since the 28 of March 2018. They have been unable to access WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, and Twitter. The shut down in March wasn’t the first time the country witnessed such a ban; the internet was also restricted for eight months in 2016.

A source from CNN blames the Chad internet ban for 2018 on various violent video content of the Zaghawa tribe clashes in the northern Chad area, which was shared on WhatsApp. The government who wasn’t pleased with this development, cut off internet access and by that act, restricted its citizens from distributing the content.

Another source speculated that was due to an announcement that conveyed that President Idriss Deby would stay in power till 2033. Internet access was restricted after the announcement to prevent violent protest. President Deby has been in power since 1990.

Since the ban, the citizens of Chad have been without internet access for more than a year. Just recently, the President of Chad, Idriss Deby lifted the ban, ordering telcos to restore internet access to citizens.

See also: Ethiopia Shutdown Internet Access Again due to a Coup Attempt

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The ban had harsh effects on the country, as the Internet Without Borders speculates that the economy lost up to $20 million due to the ban. This result does not look good on Chad’s economy, which has been plunged into recession since the fall of its oil prices in 2014.

The ban on internet usage in 10 Sub-Saharan African countries has been estimated to cause a deficit of over $235 million from 2015 to 2017.  However, with the lift on Chad’s internet ban, social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Viber would be back in operation.


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