Plans Underway for the Launch of Apple’s Electric Passenger Vehicle By 2024

Apple News tech africa

Apple News tech africa

Reuters have recently reported that there has been a resurge on plans from Apple Inc. to proceed with the manufacturing of their autonomous vehicle technology to include its own breakthrough battery technology with a proposed launch expected to happen in 2024.

Project Titan pioneered the moves by Apple at exclusively designing their own automobile back in 2014 but was hindered at several phases of the project from a need to focus on Apple’s goals and software technology.

Official details of the automobile designs, features, or manufacturing partners are yet to be disclosed by Apple.

However, at the core of the proposed battery technology is its high-efficiency level and cost savings capabilities.

With anticipation on the rise for an official statement from Apple, the release of this news has also impacted the stock market and resulted in a spike in the share price of Apple Inc. and a negative correlation causing a decline to Tesla’s share price.

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