Zimbabwean Judiciary to Livestream Court Cases in 2020

Photo Credit: zbcnews.co.zw

The Zimbabwean judiciary plans to live stream court cases that involve national interest in 2020. This move is to ensure transparency and accountability of the judicial process at the Constitutional Court.


Chief Justice Luke Malaba stated that henceforth, members of the public and all concerned citizens will be aware of the judgments in the court of law. He said that introducing innovation will inspire confidence in the judicial process and ensure equity. 


Noting that feedback from live streaming the 2018 Presidential election petition spurred the decision to continue streaming national court cases.


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Across the world, nations are gradually introducing innovation into court proceedings. Some countries permit recording of court hearings whereas others agree on video recording and live streaming.


In South Africa for example, some judges allow live streaming and televising of proceedings of the courts. The Supreme Court of Appeal has the authority to grant access to media to record and televise proceedings inside the courtrooms. A similar occurrence of live streaming court cases to encourage open court practices applies in India.


Live streaming cases also affirms the public right to national judgments and reduces the spread of fake news. This is what the Zimbabwean judiciary seeks to achieve henceforth.




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