Why is Cloud Computing Important for Business

Cloud Computing Tech Gist Africa

Cloud Computing Tech Gist Africa

In the last few years, cloud computing has increasingly gained popularity.

However, it is becoming more difficult for individuals and organizations to maintain all of their information and systems up and running on in-house database servers.

Basically, Cloud computing runs on a simple principle that allows users to access a system’s functionality and information without having to save the information on their own devices.

According to a recent survey, 69 percent of businesses are currently using cloud technology.

18 percent claim they expect to adopt cloud technologies at some point.

Also, companies investing in big data, cloud, mobility, and security enjoy up to 53 percent faster sales growth than their rivals.

As this data shows, the many advantages of the cloud technology trend are being recognized by a growing number of tech-savvy companies and business leaders.

But more than that, they are using this technology to transform their companies more effectively, serve their clients better, and improve their overall profit margins significantly.

Here are 10 reasons why cloud-computing is important for your business;

  1. Cost Savings
  2. Efficiency
  3. Data security
  4. Automation
  5. Data loss prevention
  6. Quality control
  7. Data Recovery
  8. Scalability
  9. Improved Collaboration
  10. Accessibility

Moreover, the value of cloud technology today is much more evident than ever.

Likewise, businesses can adapt and scale with cloud technologies, drive innovation, improve business agility, streamline processes, and lower risk.

This will not only help to transform businesses through the current crisis, but can also result in increased, sustainable growth.

Article Source: Crenov8

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